Monday, May 10, 2010

Searching for a Doctor

My intended parents want me to go to an OB GYN. My last pregancy with my daughter I went to a midwife which I loved. But they want me to have a OB GYN which I think makes sense since we are having twins. I will be delivering in salem, Oregon so I will be looking for one in town. I have heard of several good doctor's here in town. So I am no longer going to the fertility clinic for anything. I just need to get a regular doctor and it will be like a normal pregancy from now on except I will be continuing my Estradiol tablet twice a day and my progesterone until June 19th. 11 days earlier than I thought I was going to do.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Having TWINS

I went into my appointment today. And they placed the ultrasound and there they were 2 sacks. They both had one little baby inside. Each with their own heartbeat. Twin "B" was going 121 hpm and Twin "A" was going 124 hpm. I am sooooo excited. We are around 6 1/2 weeks pregnant and so our 40 weeks of our prenancy would go to Christmas eve but of course twin pregnancies usually go 36-38 weeks so it will be sooner than that. I did not get my "official" due date because I was so excited I left before they could tell me. Oh well. Well it is now time for me to find me a doctor. I want to make sure he/she is very comfortable with delivering twins. I want to try and have the twins with no C section so wish me luck.

Twin "B" is the bottom picture left side in the black sack.

Twin "A" is the top picture on the right in the black sack.