Monday, March 29, 2010

Ultrasound appointment

I went in and they did my ultrasound I saw that my lining was very thick now on the machine screen. I was very excited. The doctor told me that everything looks great. The nurse called me that afternoon and told me to stop taking the Estradiol three times a day and start just taking it two times a day. Also she told me that I will stop my Lupron shots on March 31st and start my protozone shots on April 1st. I had my friend come with me to this appointment because she was going to be the person to give me my shots the entire time. I did not know until today on how many shots we will have to do. The nurse told me I will have to take it 1 week before my embryo transfer and 12 weeks after. So 13 WEEKS of intermuscular shots. That is 91 days of shots. Man this is going to be interesting. This was the only part I was dreading. But I have my friend with me and her and I know that this is what needs to be done so we are going to do it. If other people can do this than I can. Wish me luck. My next appointment is my Embryo Transfer date April 7th. The nurse is going to call me the day before to tell me what time it will be at. I am very excited. I just hope that the baby takes the first time so I don't have to go through the protozone shots again.

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